Monday, April 13, 2009


(Part one here. Part two here. Part three here.)

But Jesus, is the what and who said that? The phantom finger of the suitor made its way around the sandwich shop, sometimes.

The phantom finger of the suitor could plant itself mid-thorax, and scratch the itch within a sandwich maker. Could plant itself within the brain of a sandwich maker, and cause the sandwich maker to add more mustard than is truly needed. Is truly desired. Is what is wanted. Is what is asked for.

Ask-ed, says the sandwich maker with a finger in his brain. Two syllables. Ask. Ed.

The stink from off the body of the suitor is a fresh, enticing medium rare.

The suitor in a sandwich shop repels and attracts the eaters one and all.

The sandwich maker considers asking him to leave. But then sales go up.

And up.

And, no, the suitor does not have to leave. The suitor can keep his seat, and finish up his sandwich.

This is all about control. Because the burning quietly continues.

This is all about control.

In the winter months, the best of all the kinds of months, there is little to do at his apartment, so he goes outside and rolls in the snow.

The snow fills up his mouth as he rolls in his front yard. The snow fills up his ears. The snow fills up his nose. He inhales deeply of the snow. Of the snow, he inhales hard. The snow sucks into his nose, and into the cavities of his sinuses. It sits in there, a rabbit in a warren. The snow in his sinuses, a rabbit in a warren, does not melt until he stands himself up, and walks himself into his house, and sits himself in a chair, and waits himself seated.

And then the snow, a rabbit in the warren of his sinuses, melts. It trickles down his throat, a rabbit to the stomach of a bobcat.

In the stomach, the snow, melted, stays itself put.


My favorite novellas.

Lots of other people's lists, too. Thanks for asking me to submit, John Madera. Nice group.


Matthew Savoca's Happy Cobra Books ebook TOUGH! is on Goodreads. You can go and rate it.

Also, Young Revolutionaries is there, too.


My novella A Jello Horse will be out in May.


Please consider donating to the Race for the Cure.

1 comment:

John Madera said...

Thanks again for contributing to the novellas project and for posting about it here.