Friday, June 09, 2006


I'm a cute and fuzzy puppy, and all covered in the softest golden fur you've ever seen. I stumble when I run. I wag my tail so vigorously, I tip myself over. My golden fur is very soft, and when you touch it, there is so little resistence, your hand just melts into me. It melts into my belly.

I'm a cute and fuzzy puppy, held aloft by a person standing on a couch, sinking into the cushions of a living room couch, holding me high above the couch, and the people in the living room are all attending a party. It is a party for me, the brand spanking new cute and fuzzy puppy, held aloft by my person.

And all the people coo. They coo at me, and they coo at each other, and they reach up to me. But I am held high, and can't be reached.

So, the people at the party for the cute—and golden—fuzzy puppy, they throw themselves to the floor. The drop to hands and knees, and they continue with the cooing. Such a racket. The cooing they make makes such a racket.

They, on the floor, crawl back and forth. They roll, and they crawl. They bump.

All the people on the floor bump into one another, and they raise sore spots on the tops of their heads. The bumps are much too rough. They are moving far too quickly. They bump, and they hurt themselves and one another at the very same time. Really. This is what happens.

I see it from my position, held aloft.

I am held above the fray.

It becomes a fray. It becomes a fray. A carpet of bodies begins to bloody, as the people at the party begin to rip skin with their fingers. The cooing is more urgent now. The cooing sounds a little urgent.

I am held aloft, and the person holding me walks out on the wriggling carpet of bodies. Blood has a strong smell, and I can smell it. The bodies love the cute and fuzzy puppy, and they are accidently hurting one another because of it.

They are accidently violent.

This is, accidently, a very violent party.

Because of me.

Skin does not stick to its frame quite as strongly as I thought it did. Skin slips off so quickly.

I will explore this more, but not blog until I have.

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