Monday, May 04, 2009


That's called Contagion. It's a piece done in charcoal and polyurethane on paper. I found it in an issue of New American Paintings in 2006, and kept it in a file folder. When I wrote A Jello Horse, I looked at it a lot.

The artist is Brian S. Campbell who, like me, was born in Columbus, Ohio. In his artist's statement, he said:

"Through the phenomenon of charcoal and erasure, I apply the architectural fantasies of the Renaissance at the corpuscular level. The drawn epic scenes of perspectival ribbons are highway overpasses and passageways, as well as arteries and veins. The frenzied circuitry is equivalently an excerpt of the internal landscape as it is external."

Please check out more if his work HERE.

Image was used with the artist's permission. He's a nice chap.

A Jello Horse is a road book. But I hope that, like with Brian's work, the journey is both external and internal. Macro and micro. At the center of the book, I think it leaves Midwestern highways and makes its way into the backroads of the subconscious mind.

Now available on Everyday Genius, an excerpt from the book that helps explain the telephones on the book's cover.


Don't forget to send me pinball images. You still have plenty of time to enter the contest to win a hardcover version of the book.

The hardcover will be produced by Lulu. I understand there are sometimes kerning issues with Lulu. I apologize in advance if sometimes there is extra space between a couple of the letters in the book.


A story of mine about a couple who have run away from society with a stolen mastiff to await the Rapture in a cabin in Upper Michigan will be in the next Keyhole.

I'm really happy about placing this one, as I've always liked it and wanted to find it a home.


Molly Gaudry said...

Contagion is incredible.


i like that drawing

i really like the AJH excerpt, i can't wait for it

i havent yet found a pinball machine

Ken Baumann said...

What Blake said.

pr said...

Wow. Great excerpt and fascinating drawing.

Also congrats on the Keyhole placement! I love Rapture stories and I love keyhole ( and subscribe, so will be getting it!). So, just, great, Matthew!