Monday, August 24, 2009



Now available from Gene Morgan's Twitter Feed Press is "What 'Twas Done Us In, See" by me. Free to download. Enjoy.


New Bright Stupid Confetti post is up. Christopher always manages to find something—or two somethings, or three somethings, or many somethings—that drop my jaw.

He featured my brother recently, too.


I like me some trees sometimes. I wrote about a Moon tree a while ago.

a tree dancing from happycobrabooks on Vimeo.

Sometimes I'm just outside and I'm looking around, and it's the evening, and I see that a tree has started dancing. I'm not sure what music a tree listens to when it is dancing. I'm not sure if trees produce their own music, or if they have some sort of source that they tap in to. Like, with their roots? Is there music under the grass? Is that why grass exists, as a sort of baffling, so the music doesn't overwhelm all of us above the earth? Is that it?

Is that the point of grass?

I've always wondered what was the point of grass. And now I think I know.

Anyway, trees and the music that exists beneath the grass. Are the moles making it? Are the ants making it? Are the worms making it? Is that why the music is there?

I'm just not sure.

I'll think about it. And then maybe blog.


panoptican said...

I posit that trees do not dance, that perhaps you have misinterpreted their movements for a pre-determined, rhythmical motion of the hips and loin, that indeed a tree is not dancing that absolutely it is just moving.

The Man Who Couldn't Blog said...

Oh, yeah. You're probably right.

Molly Gaudry said...

I like your video. Dancing trees have such a calming effect.

christopher higgs said...

Thanks for the shout out!

Your brother has created some mesmerizing work. Very, very cool.