Many of these appeared on
Twitter late at night. I like them so I am putting them here, too:
Don Knotts walking down a long, empty hallway, one small tear hanging from his chin. #gustaveflaubert
Three chicken nuggets, on the floor, never ever to be picked up, even to be thrown away. #raymondcarver
You and I are in an Ultimate Frisbee game and there's a caribou running across the field. #tcboyle
The guy keeps digging and digging under his fingernails, and eventually he finds his mother's skin cells. #chuckpalahniuk
Words turned blue in a garment bag. #douglascoupland
"Pop Tart?" "No, I'm good." #flanneryoconnor
A horse backs up when a firecracker goes off and it steps on your toe and it breaks it. #markrichard
Everyone laughs when the ketchup bottle sputters. #davidsedaris
Certain the hitchhiker has a knife. Pick him up & figure if he pulls the knife, you are more than ready to drive into traffic. #barryhannah
Door's open. Walk through. Fall to your death. Turns out you forgot you were on a helicopter. #lydiadavis
Guy at a party talks bonobo sex lives and it's: interesting, boring, annoying, creepy, and then fucking fascinating again! #jonathanfranzen
Carpal tunnel syndrome from spending all summer practice-writing "Have a good summer," for next spring's yearbooks. #samlipsyte
(Fixed a couple of typos.)
TMWCB ClassicPet (July '07)
We bought a dog made out of sand.
I know. Buying a dog made of sand. Bad idea.
We bought the dog made out of sand as a gift for our son.
I know. Having a child. Bad idea.
Our dog made out of sand liked to run in the backyard. And it howled at the squirrels in the trees. And it lounged on the couch next to anyone who lay down there. And it ate the dry kibble we fed it with enormous gusto.
In this way, our dog made out of sand was just like all the other dogs in the world.
We were unable to wash our dog made out of sand because when we did, we lost parts of him.
The first time we tried to wash him, we poured water over his paw and watched a bit of it melt away and spin down the bathtub drain. He walked with a limp until we went out to buy more sand from a hardware store and repaired the wound we had caused with water.
So we knew not to wash him ever again. And we never let him out in the rain.
When the rain came, our dog made out of sand howled at the sliding glass door. He wanted to go out. He wanted to run around in the rain and gallop through the wet grass. He wanted to roll in the puddles.
But we could not let him out. We did not want him to fall apart, piece by piece. We loved and wanted to protect our dog made out of sand.
Often, a story like this will end in a sad way. Often, a person who writes a story like this will decide that in the end, the dog made out of sand would somehow get out of the house in a rainstorm, and melt into the grass. There is a tradition in a story like this of sad endings.
One wonders, then, how I will end it.
This is my 4th favorite

There will soon maybe be an announcement about that guys Tumblr and something else.