Let's make shoes. Let's us all make shoes. You make shoes. Me make shoes. Us make shoes. And let's not be ashamed of the shoes we've made. Let's us be okay with our us made shoes.
Let's make shoes out of leather.
Let's make shoes out of burlap.
Let's make shoes out of hemp.
Let's make shoes out of grease.
Let's make shoes out of rubber.
Let's make shoes out of, I don't know, leaves maybe.
Let's make shoes out of cocaine.
Cocaine shoes! Let's make and walk in cocaine shoes. Let's bark and dance in cocaine shoes. Let's take off and put on cocaine shoes!
Everyday shoes=cocaine shoes
As I type this, copies of my book The Moon Tonight Feels My Revenge are being mailed out to people who ordered them over the last few months. Enjoy!
As I mentioned, I'm going to have a very small number of hardcover copies of the book made. They will not be for sale. One person will get one, though, if they win my Moon Tonight song contest. The deadline for entries was going to be this week, but I think maybe I'll give it another couple of weeks because I've had some late interest from folks who like to make music.
Right now there are six entries here at the book's contest bandcamp page. (Fire in My Bag is me and I am not eligible to win.) If you would like to write a song about the book, about one of the stories in the book, or simply a song inspired by the title, cover, or black metal-ish aesthetic of the book, do so and contact me about where to send the file and song "cover art," etc.
I'm at
at symbol
dot symbol
Check out some of the entries, too. We have an electro-dance number, a metal roots rocker about heavy metal show violence, a noise-y sample-y drone, a punk bleakrock rant, a piano banjo duet, and a slightly medieval ballad.
They are all lovely.
(If you have not purchased a copy of the book and want some inspiration, song writers who want a pdf of the book can have one for free. Write me.)
Three bands I am listening to:
Barn Owl - Light from the Mesa from Thrill Jockey Records on Vimeo.
Wolvserpent | NYC @ The Acheron | 05 Oct 2010 from (((unartig))) on Vimeo.
Death Drive Trailer from Flingco Sound System on Vimeo.
1 comment:
cocaine shoes sound awesome
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