Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This blog is awesome.

This blog is awesome.

This blog is awesome.

This blog is awesome.

This blog is awesome.

This blog is awesome.

Those blogs are awesome. Why?


If you see a thing, say a thing.

If you hear a thing, tell a thing.

If you feel a thing, refer to a thing.

If you ask about a thing, answer about a thing.

If you remember a thing, show a thing.

If you pretend to think about a thing, draw a thing on a sheet of paper.

If you are a thing, go ahead and be that thing. You.


This is a bridge.

This is a television screen.

Can you tell the difference? Can you write me an essay explaining the difference?



There is a wonderful new prayer on On Earth As It Is. It is by Matthew Batt.


Sad sad thing:

Guru, Rest in Peace.


Dead Space cheats:

+1,000 credits (one time only per playthrough) X(3), Y, X.
+10,000 credits (one time only per playthrough) X, Y(3), X(2), Y.
+2 Nodes (one time only per playthrough) Y, X(3), Y.
+2,000 credits (one time only per playthrough) X(3), Y(2).
+5 Nodes (one time only per playthrough) YXYXXYXXYXXY
+5,000 credits (one time only per playthrough) X(3), Y, X, Y.
Refill you Oxygen X,X,Y,Y,Y
Refill your Stasis and Kinesis energy X,Y,Y,X,Y


Justin Sirois said...



The Man Who Couldn't Blog said...

This is a response more to the Dead Space cheats than the link, isn't it Justin.

Admit it.

Justin Sirois said...

Actually... ok, you got me.


The Man Who Couldn't Blog said...

Is it good? I've been waiting for a competent Old West video game since I first played Gun.Smoke in a hotel arcade in, what, 1986?

The Man Who Couldn't Blog said...

Also, as far as Dead Space goes, I made it past that second encounter with the regenerating necromorph, but now I can't move past the wall monster waiting for me after. Way low on ammo, health on the edge. Seems sadistic to put it there.

Justin Sirois said...

You should add me to your sidebar, sir!


I can blog.

I can.