Tao Lin!
No, not really.
The winners are Eli, who sent this photo:

And Sabra Embury, who sent a multimedia blitz, including a video and these images:

Here's the video:
sportzabar from Sabra Embury on Vimeo.
There are some fine, fine other entries, too, including John Synco's really remarkable, really faithful cover of Lonnie Irving's Pinball Machine, and Ryan Bradley's Shockabilly-esque cover of the same song.
Another good one is this drawing of Street Fighter's Blanka playing a Rocky and Bullwinkle pinball machine. It's by my friend Griffin:

And this video, sent by Laura Ellen Scott, of her spouse's high score dance:
All four will be receiving runner-up prizes.
Finally, here's an image from a coworker:

She's playing pinball at The College Inn Pub in Seattle's University District. I will be reading at said establishment on Tuesday, June 16. After the reading, I am hoping people will play some pinball with me and the other reading attendees. High score gets the last of the hardcover copies of the book.
Thank you to everyone who entered. I was really touched with the time and care put into the entries. All of them.
A story of mine is in the upcoming issue of Keyhole.
I reviewed Mathias Svalina's chapbook Play here. SPOILER ALERT: I liked it a lot.
Next week I will actually write something for this blog! No more tedious self-promotion!
Not as much tedious self-promotion!
Also, buy my book before it sells out!
What people on Goodreads are saying about it:
Blake Baby: "It's been since certain modes of David Foster Wallace that the sincere-turned-weird felt this fresh. Memory as a map meets roadtrip as a hallway, all in Simmons's singular and truly heartening, funny, moving ways of phrase. Loved."
Mary Miller: "I read this book about a week ago on a bus from Ann Arbor to Chicago. It made the trip a whole lot better. I keep remembering certain things, like how the narrator calls himself a "carcinogen to women." I love that. The book is really cute, too, and I like that Matthew signed mine. I wish it were longer, but that's only because I would have liked more."
Evelyn Hampton: "I finished the book at work and loaned it to a co-worker and said, Read this!"
Justin Dobbs: "I learned about Jackalopes."
I'm really stoked about this. Thank you. Thank you very much.
And here's the video: http://vimeo.com/5070667
What time's the CIP reading?
Ah, yes! 7pm. Sorry.
Also, there is a reading at Elliott Bay on Thursday. 7:30pm, I think. I'll be opening for Ryan Boudinot and Joe Meno.
very cool. i'm honored to be a runner-up!
Thank you, Matthew. I haven't had such a good opportunity to humiliate myself since getting married.
I'm looking forward to reading the book.
I just realized that the above comment really didn't come off right.
I did not mean that getting married was humiliating. Rather, I meant that my marriage has moderated my more...humiliating tendencies. Which overall is a good thing…I think.
Figured that's what you meant, Eli. But, also, imagined a really embarrassing wedding mishap. You falling into the cake, maybe.
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