Thursday, December 01, 2005


The very last bottle rocket in the pack is the one that begs, and I mean begs, you to set it off in your hand.

The very last bottle rocket in the pack is in the plastic, just aching to move. Just aching.

The very last bottle rocket in the pack is ready to go. Ready, ready, ready.

The very last bottle rocket in the pack wants you to pick it up (you, drunk, stupid you) and it wants you to light it with the very last match in the pack (the sad, stupid, probably wet, bent one), and it wants you to hold it, and wait.

Oh, wait.

Wait for the moment. Wait for the fuse to hit the powder.

Wait for the very last bottle rocket to go. And jump from your little, pale hand.

Drunk, stupid you.


CLAY BANES said...

When I've sobered up I'll have to reread this.

Wait. I am sober.

CLAY BANES said...

This is a test.

Thousands pardons.