Thursday, September 29, 2005


Hey, I'm in this great new rock 'n' roll band. I started it, too, this new rock 'n' roll band that I'm in.

We're really good.

We're called The Werewolf Mummies. Which is why we're so great. We're not just mummies, or just werewolves. We're both. We're The Werewolf Mummies.

There's a band called The Mummies, and they rock.

There are all sorts of bands with wolf names, and some of them have to be lycanthropic. Right?

But there's only one band that's The Werewolf Mummies, and we're ready to rock your party.

The Werewolf Mummies. Yeah.

Rockin'. No time to blog.


alan said...

it's true. no-one can rock AND blog. let the good times roll.

Tao Lin said...

i want to start a band called...

the jawbone cancers

aome said...

i'm rockin' so hard, i can't even leave a real comment!