Spinal Tap, Spy Kids, Spy Magazine, Spina Bifida, Spiral Stairs, Spider Bites

I made a galley of the book Happy Rock. I made these galleys on an Espresso Book Machine at the bookstore where I work. I made the galleys—five in all—to give to the people who have consented to take a look at the book and consider offering a blurb for it. There are four people who have said yes. I made an extra, which I will probably just keep for myself.

Winter Soldier, Win Some Lose Some, Wind in the Willows, Winn Dixie, Window Washer

Oh Fever One Day, Famishing the Next

The world of galley creation is cutthroat, but equally it is sublime. The world of blurbing, though, is not so. It is hard and cruel and always the strong win out.

I think I would like to arm wrestle a monkey. Not a small one, though. One of the midsized ones. I've been working out a little at home.

Free Essay Topics—Go Ahead and Use It, Folks
On Suffering in Silence, and Then Interrupting Said Silence with a Really Loud, "Ouch!"

I think this all looks pretty good, this series of images of my galley as it is being made by the Espresso Book Machine.
I think I'm happy with this post.

Don't forget, though, that The Moon Tonight Feels My Revenge, my minibook of stories and stories about one-man black metal bands, is available. It will be real and physical probably by SAMHAIN!
There is a song contest for the book. Write a song and send me the file, and I will have a contest, and the winner will get a free hardcover copy of The Moon Tonight Feels My Revenge. This contest has a bandcamp page. If you need inspiration, I will give you a digital copy of the book. Only serious requests need ask for a free digital copy. Because if you want one and are not musical, you can actually get a digital copy of the book for free by paying with a tweet at the Keyhole Press website.